Discovery Channel

Silver Spring, MD

A new staff café within walking distance of a plethora of foodie options for employees of Discovery Communications’ world headquarters gives them a home of their own. DCI's goal in commissioning this project was to create an aesthetically pleasing cafeteria that reflects positively on the Discovery brand while satisfying their employees’ need for a place to grab a quick breakfast or lunch. Mission accomplished.

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Food and Drug Administration

This Design Excellence project, won as a joint venture by The Kling Lindquist Partnership and RTKL in 1993, lasted for well over a decade. As the number of employees transferred into the facility grew to more than 6,000, so did the need for multiple food outlets, which today range in size from grab-n-goes to full-service cafeterias. The availability of five points of service keeps employees from traveling to local strip centers for lunch. The kitchen’s large catering area supports a full FDA event schedule.



The National Museum of African American History & Culture, the latest addition to the Smithsonian Institution. Philip Freelon and David Adjaye, winners of the international competition to design this new museum on the National Mall, have ensured that first-rate dining can be part of the visitor’s experience within their eye-catching edifice.


U.S. Embassy, London

The sale of the existing urban facility provided ample funds to purchase new land in a remote London suburb and to hire Kieran Timberlake to design a striking new embassy. Its expansive, light-filled cafeteria was designed to host important embassy events formerly held off-site at great expense. To add to the benefits, a new cafe offers a perfect venue for staff happy hours.