Camp Lemonier

Djibouti, Africa

As a consultant to URS Corporation, HOPKINS designed a new 25,000 square foot dining hall to serve up to 3,000 soldiers 22 hours a day. When the budget for this project was slashed, HOPKINS was sent to Djibouti to survey surplus foodservice equipment in storage to identify pieces that could be salvaged to allow the project to proceed through construction.

Related Work


Harvard University

Beyer Blinder Belle and William Rawn Architects have brought HOPKINS more than a handful of Harvard University and Harvard Business School projects, both for new construction and renovations. Harvard students enjoy top-shelf service, including fresh waffles stamped with the Harvard Veritas logo


Dickstein Shapiro Law Firm

Dickstein Shapiro moved into International Square on K Street in Washington, D.C.  An aspect of the renovation of the space formerly occupied by the IMF was to gut and redesign its cafeteria. This in-house cafeteria needed to compete successfully with a large public food court on the ground floor. To maximize the benefit of the Dickstein Shapiro foodservice system, HOPKINS was asked to lead the search for a full-time operator. When the project was in full-swing, the client expressed its delight that the entire spectrum of employees from top attorneys to admin assistants at Dickstein Shapiro enjoyed dining together for the first time. The cafeteria successfully changed the culture of the firm.


Federal Bureau of Prisons

This $112 million design–build project with Arrington Watkins and AECOM houses 960 high-security inmates along with an adjacent minimum security component for an additional 128 inmates. HOPKINS also designed the laundry operation.